01/01/2022 – As of today, the new partnership between the Union Mondiale de Billard and Dynaspheres comes into effect. The coming years, Dynaspheres will supply all World Championships, World Cups and tournaments organized under the umbrella of the UMB with its billiard ball sets.
Dynaspheres was created by Belgian billiards-specialist HCSB bv with the purpose to develop a brand of Phenolic Resin Balls that could compete with the only known brand at that time. Dynaspheres’ production process is based on the famous HYATT technology which was further refined in order to develop the next generation of Phenolic Resin Billiardballs.
Furthermore, Dynaspheres launches Dynaspheres 2.0 as of today!
- new and improved packaging, stronger and more durable
- optimized and improved resin formula
- new grinding and polishing procedures for an even better finish
For further information, please contact service@dynaspheres.cn.